red blue and black abstract painting

Tag Definitions

This book is on the schedule to be released in 2025. There is a 90% chance that you will see this book during this year. Any book marked for 2025 has already been scheduled with the publisher. But could be changed if needed.

This book is planned for a 2026 release. There is a 75% chance the book will go forward with this release date. It has not been set in stone, however, and might be switched around if another book finishes first.

Release Date Tags

A 2027 release is a ways out there, so if a book has this release date, there's probably only a 50% chance the date won't change. It could be delayed or it could finish on time.

2028 is out there a ways, so if a book is given this far out, the date will likely change. I've just decided that this is the most likely date for this, and in particular, stories that are continuations or in a series will probably stay on track.

These most likely will change as we get closer. I'd like to release sooner, but there are only so many books I can complete in a year. Here's hoping these get out on time!

A standalone book is a novel that tells a complete story within its pages, without the need for sequels or prequels to resolve the plot or character arcs. It offers a self-contained narrative, allowing readers to enjoy the story without any prior knowledge of other works. Standalone books can vary in genre and style but are distinct in that they don't require further books to conclude the storyline.

This ending of this book is a cliffhanger and sets the scene for the next book in the series. This book cannot be read without the book after it. It will leave you hanging without resolution. These most often happen in series that are linked, trilogies that are labeled as "part one," "part two," and "part three." In fact, anything labeled as "part" can be considered a cliffhanger at the end unless reading the last book.

Editing has commenced on the book, either by me or by the publishing house. Changes may happen, and be uploaded to existing available works on Ream at any time.

A trilogy is a series of three interconnected books that together tell a larger, overarching story. Each book in the trilogy typically focuses on a specific part of the plot, with the full narrative unfolding across all three installments. Readers need to follow the entire trilogy to experience the complete storyline and character development.

This book is complete and awaiting editing. The book will have minor changes, most likely, but may have some major changes depending on alpha and beta feedback. If you're reading on Inkspired or Ream, the version may differ from the final version.

So, this is way out there, and I have no idea if these will release anywhere near on this timeline. This is just me getting things scheduled and honestly, I'm throwing a dart at a map for this one. I might get these out sooner, all depends on inspiration.

A series is a collection of multiple books that are connected by common characters, settings, or themes, but each book can usually be read independently. While the books may share a broader narrative arc, each installment often has its own distinct plot, with new challenges or developments. A series invites readers to continue following the journey across multiple volumes, each contributing to the larger story.

Books labeled with coming soon will be released within around six months. They may also be coming to Ream if they are not already on those platforms.

A work in progress (WIP) refers to a manuscript or project that is currently being written or developed but has not yet been completed. It is an ongoing piece of work that may still undergo revisions, edits, or changes before reaching its final form.

Miscellaneous Tags

No idea for a release date on this one. Could come out next year, could come out in 2035 for all I know!

Previously had scheduled this for release, and didn't quite make it. If something is marked as delayed, I'm not sure when the date is going to be for it to come out.

This book is currently available in the final form for the book. This label indicates that the publisher has released their final version and you can order it from your favorite retailer, or better yet from the publisher or myself.

EBook is available for this story from the store online here and from my publisher as well as major retailers. These eBooks are the final version, and may be read however you choose to read your ebooks.

The publisher is offering a paperback version of this story. It is currently available at the link provided. If you want to order signed copies, simply go to the store on this website and order your own personalized copy.

The publisher is offering an audiobook version of this story. Follow the link to get your copy today!